
Q&A for www.MasterTailor.com. General Questions.

A: I have 57 years of experience as a Master Tailor.

At my shop, I do everything carefully to make sure your suit fits perfectly:

  1. Accurate Measurements – I take precise body measurements to ensure a perfect fit.
  2. Fit Consultation – I use sample suits to show you how the final suit will fit and explain the details.
  3. Technical Adjustments – I create a custom pattern based on your body shape and preferences.
  4. Tailoring Process – After finalizing the pattern, I send it to my working room, where my team carefully makes your suit.
  5. Final Inspection – Once the suit is complete, I check every detail to make sure it meets my high standards.
  6. First Fitting – You try on the suit, and I check if anything needs improvement.
  7. Quick Adjustments – If needed, I make small fixes in 2–3 days to ensure a perfect final fit.

I do not just sell suits—I make sure every suit is perfect before you take it

A: The price of a custom suit starts at $2,000 and can go up to $30,000,

depending on the fabric and details.

For payment, you pay in two parts:

  • First Payment (Deposit): About 60% upfront when you place the order (e.g., for a $2,000 suit, you pay $1,200 first).
  • Final Payment: The remaining balance is paid when you pick up your finished suit.

This ensures that your suit is made exactly for you with the highest quality!


A: Only two visits are required:

  1. First visit – Measurement and fabric selection.
  2. Second visit – Final pickup.

   Unlike other places that require multiple alterations,  I ensure a perfect fit  from

the start.

  • A: My suits are carefully made to fit you perfectly. That’s why it’s very  important for you and me  to work together and communicate clearly        when  placing  your order. 
  • Once the order is placed and work starts at the factory, it cannot be canceled or refunded. However, changes can be made before the factory starts working on your suit.
  • A: If there is a problem, I will do my best to fix it. I always set realistic expectations from the beginning. Some tailors promise everything and then make many changes later.
    I focus on getting it right from the start so your suit fits well without endless alterations.
  • A: Many customers come to me after being disappointed by other tailors. If you have had a suit made before, bring it with you!
    Show me what you like and what feels uncomfortable. This is the best way for us to understand your needs. If you don’t have experience with custom suits, bring a suit from home and tell me what feels good and what doesn’t. This will help me make a suit that fits you best.
  • A: Some people ask if I make in-house bespoke suits. Right now, this is almost impossible in the U.S. The biggest difference in custom tailoring is who takes your measurements. If a tailor who understands pattern-making measures you, the suit will fit much better than if a salesperson without tailoring knowledge does it. Even if two suits are made in the same factory, the fit will feel very different depending on how measurements were taken.
  • A: Visit MasterTailor.com and check my Google Reviews. Many customers have shared their experiences.

 If you already know what you want,  you can write  a note when filling out the 

  •  appointment form.

  If you forget, you can also write a note when ordering your suit. 

The more details you provide,   the better I can make the perfect suit for you.


Designed with over 50 years of master craftsmanship, offering the most practical and elegant style tailored to your lifestyle and body shape.

Based on precise body measurements, we ensure a perfect fit with just one fitting session.

Our bespoke suits are crafted to last, making them a smarter investment than purchasing multiple inexpensive off-the-rack suits.

한글 (Korean)

50년이 넘는 장인과 함께, 고객님의 라이프스타일과 체형에 맞는 가장 현실적이고 고급스러운 디자인을 제안합니다.

고객님의 정확한 신체 치수를 바탕으로, 단 한 번의 피팅으로 완벽한 핏을 완성해 드립니다.

시간의 흐름에도 변하지 않는 품질로 오래 입을 수 있는 맞춤 정장. 결국 여러 벌의 저렴한 기성복을 사는 것보다 훨씬 경제적인 선택이 될 것입니다.


Designed with over 50 years of master craftsmanship, offering the most practical and elegant style tailored to your lifestyle and body shape.

Based on precise body measurements, we ensure a perfect fit with just one fitting session.

Our bespoke suits are crafted to last, making them a smarter investment than purchasing multiple inexpensive off-the-rack suits.

한글 (Korean)

50년이 넘는 장인과 함께, 고객님의 라이프스타일과 체형에 맞는 가장 현실적이고 고급스러운 디자인을 제안합니다.

고객님의 정확한 신체 치수를 바탕으로, 단 한 번의 피팅으로 완벽한 핏을 완성해 드립니다.

시간의 흐름에도 변하지 않는 품질로 오래 입을 수 있는 맞춤 정장. 결국 여러 벌의 저렴한 기성복을 사는 것보다 훨씬 경제적인 선택이 될 것입니다.

The Right Way to Wear a Proper Suit

올바른 옷 입기의 자세


A great suit is not just about comfort.
True custom tailoring helps you stand tall and creates a sharper, more elegant figure.

When wearing a suit, think about adjusting your body to fit the suit, not just making the suit fit your body.
With this mindset, your suit will look better on you, and you will naturally appear more confident and refined.

Keep your shoulders naturally back and your spine straight.
The suit is designed to embrace your body beautifully when you hold a proper posture.

"Instead of trying to adjust the suit to your body, adjust your body to the suit."
This simple shift in mindset can transform how you look and feel.

한글 (Korean)

좋은 양복이란 단순히 몸을 편하게 하는 옷이 아닙니다.
진정한 맞춤 양복(Custom Tailoring)은 고객님의 자세를 바르게 세워주고, 더 멋진 체형을 만들어 주는 역할을 합니다.

그래서 양복을 입으실 때는 "몸을 옷에 맞추는 마음" 으로 입으시면,
옷맵시가 살아나고 인상도 훨씬 멋져 보입니다.

어깨는 자연스럽게 펴시고, 허리는 곧게 세우시면
옷이 고객님의 몸을 아름답게 감싸며, 더 당당하고 자신감 있는 모습을 완성할 수 있습니다.

"몸에 옷을 맞추려 하기보다, 옷에 몸을 맞추는 마음으로"
이 작은 변화가 고객님의 인상과 체형을 바꿀 수 있습니다.


Adjusting your body to the suit — that is true elegance.
몸을 옷에 맞추는 것, 그것이 진짜 멋입니다.

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